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As our society becomes increasingly diverse, educators need to understand the unique needs and challenges faced by dual language learners (DLLs) in the classroom. DLLs are students who are proficient in two or more languages. According to a report from the National Center for Education Statistics, DLLs make up approximately 10% of the student population in U.S. public schools and this number is expected to continue to grow.

Understanding Dual Language Development

To effectively meet the needs of DLLs, it is crucial to have a basic understanding of how bilingualism and language development work. Unlike monolingual children who learn one language at a time, DLLs are exposed to two or more languages simultaneously. This unique experience can greatly impact their language development and academic success.

Research has shown that bilingualism provides numerous cognitive benefits for children, including improved executive function skills, enhanced problem-solving abilities, and increased cultural awareness. However, DLLs may also face challenges in their learning process, such as slower vocabulary growth and difficulty with code-switching between languages.

Creating an Inclusive Classroom Environment

One of the most important steps in meeting the needs of DLLs is creating an inclusive classroom environment. This includes promoting a welcoming and supportive atmosphere where all students feel valued and respected, regardless of their language background.

Teachers should also incorporate culturally responsive teaching strategies to ensure that instructional materials and activities are relevant and meaningful to DLLs. This may include using visuals, incorporating multicultural literature, and allowing for opportunities for language sharing among students.

Providing Appropriate Instructional Support

In addition to creating an inclusive classroom environment, it is essential to provide appropriate instructional support for DLLs. This includes adapting teaching strategies and materials to meet the unique needs of these students.

For example, teachers can use scaffolding techniques to break down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. They can also provide bilingual materials and resources to support DLLs’ understanding of new concepts.

Partnering with Families and Community

Another crucial aspect of meeting the needs of DLLs is partnering with families and community members. Parents and caregivers play a vital role in their child’s language development and academic success. By involving them in the learning process, teachers can gain a better understanding of the child’s cultural background and use this knowledge to create a more supportive learning environment.

In addition, connecting with community organizations and resources can provide valuable support for DLLs. These partnerships can offer language support services, after-school programs, and cultural activities that promote bilingualism and academic achievement.

Supporting Transition and Continual Growth

As DLLs progress through their academic journey, it is crucial to provide ongoing support for their transition and continual growth. This may include offering English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction, providing additional academic support, or incorporating bilingual programs into the curriculum.

It is also essential to monitor and track DLLs’ progress regularly to identify any areas of concern and provide targeted interventions to support their learning.


Meeting the needs of DLLs in the classroom requires a multifaceted approach that includes understanding dual language development, creating an inclusive environment, providing appropriate instructional support, partnering with families and community members, and supporting continual growth. At Matteo’s Place, we are committed to ensuring that all our students, including DLLs, receive the support and resources they need to thrive academically and socially. We believe that by embracing diversity and promoting bilingualism, we can create a more inclusive and enriching learning experience for all students. To learn more about how we support DLLs at Matteo’s Place, visit our website or schedule a tour today!